We are the Ythan Fiddlers
The Ythan Fiddlers (SC031597) are a group of enthusiastic musicians from Ellon and the surrounding area, whose main aim is to promote Traditional Scottish Music. Regular practice sessions are held weekly on a Monday evening during school term time encompassing both Junior and Senior sections at the Kirk Centre, Ellon from 6.30pm. The group regularly travels throughout the North East of Scotland providing entertainment with proceeds donated to local causes and charities. Our Annual Rally enables us to participate with fellow musicians from all over Scotland whilst delivering a performance platform for our Juniors.

We meet at Ellon Kirk Centre, next to Greens of Ellon

We can Play at your events.
We play Concerts, Ceilidh’s and short sessions for Care Homes, Festival’s, Fete’s, Garden Parties, or any private event where you want traditional scottish music.
Meet our leaders
All our group are volunteers giving their valuable time and skills to our cause.

Trish Gill
Musical Director
Ian Sutherland

Elizabeth Cameron
Chair Person
Shona Havlin
Do the fiddlers have a constitution document
Ythan Fiddlers
Constitution Latest update 2017
- The name of the society shall be the “Ythan Fiddlers” and the society shall be registered in its own right as a Scottish Charity whose objects shall be to advance the arts of traditional Scottish music by –
- Promoting the study, practice and performance of such music
- To encourage and stimulate the performance of the music to the public and interested groups
- To donate excess funding to local recognised causes as and when the members may decide at committee
- Membership shall be open to all, as playing or non playing members. All fully paid up members and nominated life members shall have equal voting rights at the annual general meeting
- The administration and legal affairs of the society shall be managed by a core committee consisting of President, Musical Director, Secretary and Treasurer
The committee shall have the power to co-opt committee members, appoint sub committee’s as required, and award life membership as they see fit.
At committee meetings 4 members are required to form a qurom. At general meetings 8 members are required
- All Property and effects of the society will be vested in the incumbent President, Musical Director, Secretary and Treasurer who will form the trustees of the society
- All monies raised shall be applied to further the objects of the society. All operating costs and expenses will be subject to the Office of Scottish Charity Regulatory control
- If, upon the winding up of the society, there remain any assets, these shall not be paid or distributed to the membership, but shall be donated or transferred to a recognised OSCR registered charity having objectives similar to the society.
- The financial year and membership season shall end on the last day of February and an annual general meeting will be held as close as practical to allow financial performance to be audited and submitted to OSCR.
- The foregoing shall form the constitution of the society, and neither these articles nor the following rules shall be changed except with the sanction of the two-thirds majority of those present at the Extraordinary or Annual General Meeting
The treasurer shall keep OSCR approved accounts for all society finance activities. An independent registered accountant will be utilised to audit the accounts prior to the Annual General Meeting where the membership will vote to sign off the accounts as a true reflection of the year’s activities, prior to formal OSCR submission to the end of year accounting.
Players intending to represent the society in public performance shall be approved by the Musical Director
The Secretary shall convene all meetings, the president will preside at each meeting or a delegate appointed. Meetings minutes will be available to the membership, 4 committee members must be present.
How much does it cost to hire you
That varies depending on what you need us to do. Charitable organisations can hire us at reduced rates, and some we will play at for no fee at all.
Private functions we try to look at the several factors including the scale of the event, the period we are being asked to play, and the distance we will need to travel for example. Call our Secretary Ian to discuss your needs..
Where can I see you live
We have an events page, many of our events listed there are closed events, but some are open to the public. Our main public event each year is our Fiddlers Rally held in May each year.
Can I join the fiddlers
Yes…. We are open for all ages and all abilities, we would recommend you can play some very basic tunes before coming along, if your interested why not come along to one of our Monday practice sessions to watch what we do, and see for yourself if you think it’s for you. You could also wait for our next joiners workshop!
Get in touch ythanfiddlers@gmail